Friday, December 17, 2010
Shot with 500mm, set at Apperture priority at 5.6 (biggest for lens) then Focus in Servo mode to track and shutter on rapid fire.
This one I went full manual and dragged the shutter to give a panning shot.
C&C as well as abuse for going to Polo welcome.
Richard B.
Richard's Recent Shots
My turn to share some recent work (although some of you might have seen on faceache).
All shot with a three image bracket HDR, about f8 with a 10mm.
Then blended to HDR in photoshop and convert to black and white with sepia and a vignette.
Makes Bastakiya almost look old !
C&C Appreciated.
Monday, December 6, 2010
baby shots
but given I am currently sat awake because he wont go to sleep (little bugger) I guess these could be "wild things" shots
And another thing
Wild Things and Un-titled
It been ages since there was last any movement on Sutterbugs, and we certainly don't have an active topic that I am aware of at the moment. Can only assume this is due to new babies, long commutes to AbuDhabi and trips to Germany. Anyway, I thought 'd give the moss covered stone a kick and see if in was too fat to still roll.
Here are some shots for the last title I recall which was "wild things" taken last month on a trip to a local nature reserve:
Monday, September 27, 2010
Here is the start of a wasp colony, with the nest being constructed in the eaves of a small metal shelter protecting a Roman mosaic from the weather.
Nikon D300s
Nikkor 18-200 at 200mm
F/6.3 and 1/50s
ISO 200
This was as close as I could get and still have the subject in focus. I was not about to fit the macro lens and get within a mere few centimetres! I cropped the image, but left in some of the metalwork in order to give the subject a sense of scale, and invoked the Rule of Thirds instead of sticking the nest smack in the middle of the frame.
There’s a little Photoshoppery too: in addition to cropping and reducing to 800 pixels, I trimmed the histogram because there was no data at either end, and this really brought up the wasps’ yellow colouring.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Paul's wild things - First submission
Forum reclaimed
Nikon D300s
Nikkor 18-200 at 105mm
F/5.3 and 1/320s
ISO 200
The Forum of ancient Rome is a large and sprawling monument to a former civilisation. Yet despite all the marble and brickwork, Mother Nature (or the goddess Flora in the Roman pantheon) nevertheless has the unnerving habit of poking her greenery in the most unlikely of places.
As a reasonably still subject, the trick was to wait until distractions such as tourists in fluorescent shirts were out of shot.
The Lion Eats Tonight
Nikon D300s
Tokina 12-20 at 20mm
F/11 and 1/250s
ISO 200
The Romans took to a late classical Greek fashion of sculptures showing movement and action, refining it into some pretty amazing freeze-frame action. Here we have a lion – certainly a very wild thing - attacking a horse. Look at the detail of the claws tearing flesh and the panicked expression in the horse’s eye and mouth. Bear in mind that the sculptor had to build this 3D image without reference to photographs, which I think makes the sculpture more breathtaking.
White, or in this case pale pink marble can be difficult to photograph in bright sunlight. The sun makes shadows distinct, but highlights and shadows can lose all detail for ever. Fill-in flash can help with shadows, but when I tried it the highlights blew out.
I took a fairly low-contrast image as the sunlight was briefly reduced by some light cloud, and then messed with brightness and contrast in the controlled environment of post-processing.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
September topic - "WILD THINGS"
Steven's mum has picked topic for this month "wild things".
So get snapping.
Richard B.
Monday, August 30, 2010
More Shots from the Hip
And the latter have handguns on their hips. I tried candid photographs at the airport, bu a combination of low light, fast movement and a desire not to be arrested produced blurred and generally useless pictures.
But here's one taken outside the Capitoline museums. There are thousands of cameras all around, and I was some distance away. Check out the minuscule depth of field.
Nikon D300s
Tamron 200-400 at 400mm
ISO 200
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Calling the shots
And what does a hip flask contain? Shots!
So this month's subject matter, Shots from the Hip (flask) becomes rather easy. Less easy was finding a hip flask - I don't own one - and setting up the shot.
What I've ended up with is two different techniques on the same subject. Both involve a dark wood table, dark background wall, and reflections in the shiny table. So the decision boils down to this: To flash or not to flash? That is the question.
Nikon D300s
Sigma NiftiFifti
ISO 200
I like the dark, moody lighting. The lamp provides all the illumination, but despite most of the subject being dark, the bulb holder and top of the lamp have blown out to white. All detail is lost and no amount of burning it in will produce detail that's simply not there.
Nikon D300s
Sigma NiftiFifti
ISO 200
Camera-mounted flash
The flash brings some life to the picture, with all those shiny reflective surfaces. But the lamp is flat. However, the texture on the lamp has not been lost, and the bulb holder is visible.
So I'm torn. Which is the better, or at least the preferred, photograph?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
reposting of the old man
(God that sounds dodgy...)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Shot from the hip
I am not, unfortunately, a National Geographic photographer. And so the images I had in mind when I set out on Thursday night to do the homework failed to materialise onto my camera's sensor.
But with Sarah gone for August I decided to take on the advice from last month and play around with the RAW files. And to make up for recent poor posts, I've gone for quantity today.
But first, one from the back catalogue which I kind of like:
This was the best photo from a party where I hardly framed a single shot. I'd just gotten the lens for this exact thing. It brings out the subject really well, much better, I think, than a zoom lens, as you can get really close. No post processing, in-camera B+W.
Moving on, and staying in B+W land:
OK, here I was going for a verité look (I think that's the right word). The sky is intentionally washed out and the contrast bumped up a bit by playing around with some kind of curve in Ufraw. The angle is due to my trying to be surreptitious.
In colour this was washed out and just looked crap, so I returned, via RAW, to good ol' B+W to bring out the details a bit more. Now it's not so washed out, at least, and I think the tonal balance is better than it was. I'm not thrilled about the pot plant on the left, but I couldn't crop without putting the guy right off to the side. And I prefer the full frame.
Barrow boy
20mm, 1/200, f7.1, ISO400
To prove I still know what colour is, and to try my hand at those crazy settings in photo-editing software, I present Barrow Boy. I know, the framing is terrible but it's the best I could do without looking either before, during or after the shot. Anyway, I kind of liked the contrast between 21st century car and 16th century barrow (with pneumatic tyres). And with the camera tilt it looks like he's trying to stop that thing rolling down the hill and crushing him. To try to improve it I played around with the saturation and the curves, but I have to confess, I have no idea how to use them.
Two more.
By this time is was getting dark, so as I passed this kid and shot him from behind my arse I managed to get the blighter slightly out of focus and everything was quite dark. But it perhaps best shows the hip shot as you'll see it's taken at his head level. Anyway, I used the manual settings on the colour balance here in Ufraw to bring out the sky, and the noise makes everything quite grainy. It takes me back to my darkroom days but without the smells.
Finally, a bit of a weird composition:
OK, can someone please explain to me what the curves mean and do in photo-editing software, because I'm really just playing around with no clue. Here I managed to wash things out a bit while increasing a bit of contrast in the stones. I was trying to keep/enhance the evening light, but as I say, I don't really get it just yet.
Shooting from the hip
But I'm afraid I just can't find inspiration for what should be a fun title to play with. In the end I spotted this gate which I liked the colours as the sunset behind mr refected off the metal. Only connection being I shot it at hip height.
For any of you who are fans of you may be amused at the ferry company operatives inability to work out how to use a pad lock on this gate. The gate wasn't in use, and should certainly have been locked as is keeps joe public away from interesting stuff that makes the ferry terminal work. Fail!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, August 2, 2010
Child bearing HIPS
Okay very very tenuous link to this months shooting from the hip but I'm a bit busy, so close enough.
Also was very much shot on the run, so also kind of shooting from the hip.
They say the softer the subject the softer the lens, well I guess you can't get much softer.
So here she is, Elizabeth Rose Bailey (aka Bess) born 11:30 Friday night, 3.505 KG, 56cm for those who want the EXIF data.
Other EXIF
Manual mode, f1.4, 1/100 sec, ISO 100, and then flash on camera bounced of the ceiling in eTTL mode.
A very small hint of a pink vignette to accentuate the one that was already there from the blankets.
No other real PP.
==== EDIT ====
Please feel free for C&C
Richard B.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Funny Bunny
Hippie Food
Monday, July 26, 2010
August = Shooting from the Hip
Some cracking efforts this month. All the way from stuffed fluffly bunnies to beer drinking Kangaroos and Samuri sword wielding Tofu knitters.
So any more this month, how about from any of you lurk'ers out there ?
Expect I'm about to get silly bussy (due date is on 5th) so first one to pick a number between 1 and 30 will decide the topic for next month and I'll post it ASAP.
Richard B.
Friday, July 23, 2010
More bunnies to hug
Nikon D300s
Nikkor 18-200 @ 80mm
1/30s & F/5.6
ISO Auto 1600
Shot with available light, this cute stuffed rabbit is poking out of a carrier bag as if it's about to be taken home and hugged by a small child. I wanted to blur the otherwise possible distraction in background, and I think I achieved this. The subject is a bit central, but a crop to put the rabbit to the left would have lost great chunks of carrier bag, and the subject would have been looking out of frame if it had been too far to the right. So bullseye it is. Tweaks are limited to cropping and just a little colour enhancement.
The light streaming in from the shop front looks, and indeed is, natural daylight.
Nikon D300s
Nikkor 18-200 @ 170mm
1/30s & F/5.6
ISO Auto 1400
This one is hopefully reminiscent of the shelf in a nursery. The huggable stuffed bunny is next to something "ABC"; as indicative of childhood as anything else available. I did not set anything up, which is why the irritating picture frame is in shot. Post-processing is limited to cropping, abut of colour palette enhancement and a small rotation.
The light is almost all artificial tungsten shop lights.
Nikon D300s
Nikkor 18-200 @ 112mm
1/30s & F/5.6
ISO Auto 560
This luminous rabbit should be suitably disturbing for small children.
Illuminated by tungsten house lights plus lit from within.
With all the shots, I used ISO Auto to control shutter speed to 1/30s in order to hand-hold the camera. This avoids both camera shake and the tripod police.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Random one for Critique - Burj Khalifa
Canon 350D
Sigma 10-20mm lens, at 10mm
1/13 sec with +/- 2 stops ev brackets for each.
ISO 100
2 images accross bottom then 2 up for the Burj K
Stitching and HDR blend done in PTGui pro and then rest in Photoshop.
The top left and right corners (black sky) which couldn't stitch are a photoshop painted in. Then just a small straighten, couple of little tweaks and sharpen in PS.
There was a lot of humidity and sand in the air and will blame some of the poor optical quality on that (when zoomed right in).
Critique, Comments and Questions welcome as always.
Richard B.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Bunnies (for Paul)
Don't feel worthy at all this month, however here are my efforts.
These are feral rabbits in the Ranches.
Canon 350D
Sigma 150-500mm at 500mm
f5.6 cheap glass
1/50 second on monopod
ISO 800 really pushing it
Canon 350D
Sigma 150-500mm at 500mm
f5.6 cheap glass
1/50 second on monopod
ISO 1600 pushing it to much
Anyway that all for now folks, as always C&C and any other abuse welcome.
Richard B.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
TNBHCGABTB - Steven's efforts
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Paul's: With no rabbits
Nikon D300s
Nikkor 18-200 @ 170mm
ISO Auto
Nice bright colours to attract the environmentally responsible. It works too. As you see, at least one of the bins is full to overflowing.
I waited until the sun was low in the sky so that there would be some shadows, not that rectangular boxes offer much in the way of texture. I also shot the image low and close-cropped so that the blurred background was an unobtrusive plain wall in a fairly neutral colour.
While I was there, an actual environmentally responsible person turned up and posted a handful of newspapers for recycling.
Nikon D300s
Nikkor 18-200 @ 52mm
ISO Auto
This was a quick candid shot, so the framing wasn't good; I missed the back of the car. The irony of going to recycle old copies of 7DAYS in a two-seater over-engined sports car was not lost on me. Every little helps, I suppose.
Enough of the environment. There is a different interpretation for this month's subject. As tofu is perhaps perceived as Japanese (at least in my house it is) I present an actual Tofu Knitter.
Nikon D300s
Nikkor 18-200 @ 48mm
ISO Auto
Shot hand-held with available light at a well-known emporium of Japanese-style fast food, I was looking for a shot with the chef's hands blurred with the rapid movement associated with knitting tofu. Of a score or so attempts, this one had the man's face in focus with his eyes open and his hands suitably blurred. All the movement was done in camera. There is some PhotoShop: the background of square tiles was not quite parallel with the photo frame, but a little Free Transform sorted out that issue. I think the fan is a distraction, but it's real and authentic, and anyway I made a right mess of trying to clone it out.
Monday, June 28, 2010
July Topic - 'Tofu Knitting Bunny Huggers Boiling their Heads'
Not going to use random topic generator this time as Pauls recent comment ammused me.
So this month is thanks to Paul.
'Tofu Knitting Bunny Huggers Boiling their Heads'
You can use any all, one or what ever combination you like for inspiration.
So pictures of Tofu, Knit wear, Rabits, Boiling Water, Heads and any combinations there of etc..
Have fun and get snapping.
Richard B.