Well a honeymoon in Florence/Tuscany is really proving a great breeding ground for photo ideas and inspiration (and a breeding ground for nothing else before you start!!) and although there is no homework set I have still been snapping away.
Haven't really got time for a full write up (you know, honeymoon things to be doing) but in the meantime I thought I'd upload a few shots tinkered with so far as a taster:

A Quiet Pint
The assortment and abundance of churches in Tuscany offer loads of opportunity for playing, both outside and within:

By the Light of God?

A Quiet Place

The Courtyard

And these two little beauties demonstrate one of the main reasons I LOVE HDR. There is just no way (that I know of) that you could get these sort of shots with a normal shot. They are shot in the reflection of advertising boards at a Theatre across the road from the Duomo in Florence.

A Splendid Ballet
If there are any plans for a follow up shutterbug get together at the end of August (presuming David is back by then) then I can bore you all silly with a bit of background/discussion of these a a few others I will have processed by then.
Right, well that's all for now, off to do honeymoon things.....like take more photos