Monday, January 18, 2010

Spooky Ghosties

How's that for spooky.
If I actually knew what I was doing with this photo shop thingy then I would have got rid of the stringy bit. I don't so I didn't.


  1. How did you shoot, light etc... ?

  2. Yeah come on Colin, full details and make sure you include the crucial bit about the off board strobe you possitioned off to the right on a remote control ;0)

    This is a very nice shot I have to say, and I've no idea what you have shot, where or how, but looks very cool. I love the purple in the tip of the tail of the ghost which relfacts the purple in the bottom part of the background.

    Woudl perhaps have looked nice with a touhc of vignetting but as you say, that's photoshop and photoshop is the devils friends!!

  3. It is a great shot, spill the beans, want to know how.
    My guess is a odd white ballance and then the on camera flash.
    Very shallow DOF with background a long way away.

  4. Specialist photshop technique that only the most experienced users would understand.

    It's called hit that there button thingy and see what it does.
