Friday, August 7, 2009

Time and Motion

Well, hot on the heals of Colin I thought I too would kill a bit of time and knock out my Motion homework. Decided to go for a time theme, taking shots of a pocket watch (wedding present from Imogen) but using it as a pendulum.

f1.8 75mm(DE) 1" . f1.8 75mm(DE) 0.5"

f1.8 75mm(DE) 1" . f2.5 75mm(DE) 1/3"

My personal favorite of the set is the one below as, although it doesn't show as much of the path of the motion I like the fact the watch is in focus, and there is almost a full image of the watch in teh red blur area. Not sure why, but that amused me.

f2.5 75mm 1/3

I took these shots using my old faithful black sheet as a back drop and then shooting the shots at low aperture to throw out any texture in the back drop. I then lit the watch with a homemade lamp comprising a load of Christmas tree fairly lights (soft reddish light), a previous attempts at a home made ring flash, and then used rear curtain sync on the on board flash to freeze the watch at the end of the exposure (sharp white light):

Post shooting tinkering included cropping a little in some cases, shapening slightly and adjusting the colour to make the background a uniform black. Oh and hitting the delete button about 300 times to get rid of all the shots where the watch is out of focus or off the shot all together.


  1. Very nicely done, good technique and cracking result.

    The red from the "ring flash" and the white from the flash really help the effect.

    See you were playing with your 50mm (as 1.8 used) however why this f stop ? a bigger apperture would have given a deeper DOF and you might not have had to delete 300 shots.

    Richard B.

  2. Richard - Wanted to keep the depth of field shallow in order to throw the background out of focus as the backdrop does have a textured pattern that showed up when a higher depth of field used......that and the fact that I have a new lens in my bag therefore I have to.
