My offerings are all straight out of the camera except for cropping to 800pix. I set up on a tripod and tried a whole variety of different shutter speeds and apertures. Here are the edited not-quite-as-low-as-the-other lights.
Nikon D300sNikkor 18-200 at 95mm
F/18 1.6sec
ISO 2500
This one is as close as I could get to what my eyes could actually see. The sodium glow over Dubai silhouettes the gate light and the edges of the buildings. The crescent moon is visible, but it's difficult to see the whole lunar disc.
Nikon D300s
Nikkor 18-200 at 75mm
F/5 1/6sec
ISO 2500
I think the second image is more pleasing to the eye because it expresses more of a 'night' aspect.
Nikon D300s
Nikkor 18-200 at 75mm
F/5 1/6sec
ISO 2500
See what happens at a wide F-stop? The gate light in the foreground falls out of focus. I wasn't sure whether this is a fault or a feature. Certainly, putting less important parts of the image in shot but out of focus can help to give an impression of depth.
Which is it, then: 'Natural' or 'Short DoF'?