Hi All,
Following Paul's TYME I mentioned I'd have a go, well here it is.
I wasn't actually working on the compostition to much, more wanted to illustrate the effect of off camera light, strobe power, aperture and shutter speed balance.
Single strobe, off camera left, no soft box or other modifier. Would be better with a soft box and a second strobe off camera right to soften and balance the shadows a bit.
(Click to enlarge)
This is a typical Shutter / Aperture matrix, however now LIGHT is thrown into the mix with an off camera strobe.
Appeture in Rows f2.8 top to f45 bottom.
Shutter speed in Coloumns 5 sec left to 1/50th right.
Then flash power (manual, not eTTL) on the diagonal.
You will note that the range of correctly exposed images greatly increases.
- Shutter speed controls the amount of ambient light.
- Aperture controls the amount of flash light (at same given power).
- Flash power and shutter speed can be balanced to control front / back light.
I'm going to try and refine this further to show and explain the effects better, maybe use eTTL. I keep posting the results.
As always any comments, questions, abuse always welcome.
Richard B.